What if you had the tools to be book smart and money smart?GO BEYOND THE BASICS OF FINANCIAL AID


What's the CSS Profile?

As you navigate the college application and financial aid process, you've probably heard of the CSS Profile. Short for College Scholarship Service Profile, this form is used to determine your eligibility for non-federal financial aid—such as need-based and scholarships.

HERE's What you need to apply:

  • College Board user account
  • Income information
  • Bank statements and list of assets
  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
  • Family financial information
  • Payment for application fees (if applicable)
outreach program

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Throughout the process of applying to college and for financial aid, you’ll hear a lot about your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). But what does that mean? And how does it impact your financial aid? Your EFC is an index number used by FAFSA to determine your eligibility for federal student aid. Then, to help determine your financial need, colleges and universities subtract your EFC from the Cost of Attendance (COA).

Cost of Attendance (COA) Expected Family Contribution (EFC)Financial Need

Want a more detailed explanation of EFC and how this calculation impacts your financial aid?


Your Unique Financial Aid Journey

No two students are the same, which means no two financial aid journeys are the same. We’ve compiled resources to simplify certain circumstances that may impact financial aid eligibility.


International Students at Rice

We believe cost should not be a barrier to attending Rice. We admit students from all socioeconomic backgrounds and from all over the world! In an effort to fund students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford Rice, we ensure international students receiving need-based aid will have 100% of their demonstrated needs met with institutional grant aid.

International Student Aid

MOney 101

It’s important to be financially literate—and not just when it comes to paying for school!

Savings & Interest

Savings & Interest

Saving is a great step towards healthy finances. You can choose to save using traditional savings, high-yield savings, credit unions and others. These accounts take your money further, allowing you to earn interest on your balance.

Loans & Interest

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Loans & Interest

Loans are an advancement of money to borrowers, with the borrowers paying back lenders according to agreed upon terms. Terms include charges, fixed or variable* interest rates and repayment schedule.

*Fixed rates never change; variable rates may increase or decrease in time.

Credit & Interest

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Credit & Interest

Credit gives you the ability to get goods or services prior to paying for it, with the understanding that you’ll pay the creditor (the owner of your card) back at a later date, often with interest, as determined by the terms of your agreement.

Get Financially Lit






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